Sunday, June 26, 2011

Four documentaries you have to see

I believe that the most important things we should think about and discuss are the things that we don't want to think about and discuss.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I believe in sin and righteousness (or wrong and right) as true forces that need to be understood as much as our human scope allows. With that understanding and knowledge, we acquire an amount of power, and in turn we are given a responsibility to do the right thing. We have to hold ourselves personally accountable and fulfill a certain role of stewardship. That truth applies to everyday situations, regardless of their level of importance.

This blog is one of my methods of stewardship. I come across information that I believe to be of high impact on society at large, and I share some of it on the internet and through word of mouth. If I decided to blog in-depth about everything I discover (through simple inquisitiveness), I would have to make this a career and take double shifts. Thankfully I have found some resources that make my task easier.

The documentaries below provide information that challenge the popular worldview-by-design in America and beyond. They deserve your attention. They will inspire questions.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bilderberg 2011- The Power Brokers Meet Again

As you may or may not know, the Bilderberg Group consists of very wealthy, powerful, and influential people of various persuasions from around the world, who meet once a year to discuss various issues, This years' meeting has just finished up at the Suvretta House Hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland. The meetings are invitation only and very covert, with a sharp focus on world domination through destruction of national sovereignty. It sounds more like a bad movie than reality, but the facts speak for themselves. Don't take my word for it. Open your mind and do some basic research.

It's easy to let tv celebrities decide what you should believe in. Brian Williams, Diane SawyerMatt LauerChris MatthewsRush Limbaugh and countless others will not read to you about the issues that have the most impact on the US and the world. It certainly doesn't make those issues invalid or insignificant.

We need to look outside of our modern left/right political paradigm, which has fooled so many people by design. It's sad to see American citizens on both sides throwing tomatoes at eachother, getting caught up in so much misguided hate. The fact is, many of the democrats and republicans in office today serve multi-national mega banks and corporations. They use the typical rhetoric on the campaign trail, manufacturing identities that sound attractive at face value. But when elected, they turn their positions of public servanthood into tools for an entirely different governance. Barack Obama is one of several US Presidents who has unfortunately made that mistake, having promised real hope and change, but later expanding Bushs' foreign policies and giving Wall Street free rule in his administration.

Be informed on the candidates for the US Presidency in 2012. Republican Texas governor Rick Perry, who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 2007, is likely going to run. There is more than meets the eye with most of our politicians, and we have to turn the tv off occassionaly to get the real meat and potatoes. We shouldn't have these static default settings of Rep or Dem and just let the current take us along. When our favorites don't make the cut in the primary, we head for the ballot box and ignorantly vote red or blue, saying, "Well, he's republican, so he's my guy," or "At least he's better than the other candidate". Let's not entertain that "lesser of two evils" mentality. But I digress...

History of Bilderberg (Modern History Project)

Dutch Prince Bernhard, Founder of Bilderberg, Was Member of Nazi Party

Wikipedia censors Bilderberg Nazi roots, and calls critics "conspiracy threorists"

Hilliary and Obama in Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run

Secretive Bilderberg Group to Meet in Sweden