Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Feel depressed? Drugs aren't the answer

According to a current American radio ad, "customers who have taken Zentra compared the feeling they had to that of falling in love". They had "an overwhelming sense that everything is well with the world, and that things will get better". Yikes. IT'S A DRUG, not a source of hope and happiness.

Given the side-effects attached to these current drugs on the market, you're probably better off with a bottle of Jim Beam to soften your brain. If you take the drug Ambien for insomnia, there is the risk of suicide, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, and/or difficulty sleeping. Are you really that desparate for sleep? Have you heard the statistics on America's armed forces who have taken these types of meds? Since 2002, the number of suicide attempts in the army has increased by six times. More than 128 soldiers killed themselves in 2008. We're more dangerous to ourselves than terrorists are! The facts show that placebos are healthier for depression/anxiety sufferers than these drugs. There are many other drugs that are potentially harmful, though claim to be remedial. If you take the birth control pill Yaz, you have the risk of heart attack and/or stroke, among other side-effects. Women who are willing to take that risk for the sake of sexual pleasure need to re-think their priorities.

I understand that clinical depression is a real and serious condition, but it's important to know how it starts. The original cause of it is not a chemical imbalance, which the drug companies and many doctors want you to believe. It starts with your thoughts. If you think of yourself as a useless and unintelligent waste of space, your body will echo that. Our brain is an organ that translates our thoughts into physical response. Our brains essentially control our bodies. That's common sense, but in consideration of where these medications come from, that's not the issue. GlaxoSmithKline, Lily, Pfizer, etc.-- they don't care about the source of the problem, because it doesn't align with their profit goals. The drug co's and doctors never address the importance in seeking psychological counseling first, which would target the actual problem. If you don't work on the solution, then of course things will negatively compound. In the case of depression, without a helpful degree of psych counseling, the brain can be affected so much over time that it eventually does need something to support normal function. Most people who are suffering from depression and anxiety mistakenly take the latter route prematurely. What really boggles me is that these dangerous chemicals are being engineered and sold to the public. Sadly, this is nothing new.

We shouldn't listen to what the mainstream media/government says is good for us. In lieu of America's current debate on socialized healthcare, we need to educate ourselves so that we can scrutinize our own health, as well as the policies that impact our care options. It's not about equal healthcare, it's about profit and control. As long as there are impressionable consumers, there will be people who prey on their vulnerabilities. One of America's current leaders had said that the country's constitution is a negative liberty, in that it says what the government can't do to you, instead of what it can. It's important to know who your true allies are.

Friend, if you are suffering from depression, you need to face your fears and seek to control your thought life. In some cases we can't always do it on our own, that's why counseling should be sought out. Most importantly, you need to seek guidance and protection from The Great Physician. God knew you before you even came into this world, and he knows what you need. Through trust in His Son Jesus Christ, you can begin to see things like depression as a choice, and not as some disease. You may look at Jesus as just a mere coping strategy, but He is definitely not. There is nothing more essential for our lives than faith in Christ. He paid the price for the sins of all mankind, and choosing a life according to that gift makes us victorious over the things that keep us from God's best. We don't have to be victims of ourselves, especially when we understand what is and what isn't in our control.

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