Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day: Commemorate fallen US soldiers... and a fallen republic

Today is a day set aside to honor the many brave men and women who fought and died for the United States of America. Some of us, like myself, have never served, but we realize the sacrifice made by those who wanted to protect the rights and freedoms of US citizens. Sadly, most of them have died in vain, fighting in wars and operations that were designed in the interest of power by dangerous oligarchies. Some of these groups have funded both sides of manufactured wars and other conflicts for well over one hundred years, gaining more resources and influence in the process. They have infiltrated governments with a big-bank strong-arm, turning many positions of power, including the US Presidency, into puppets of influence and distraction for the gullible public. They continue to disregard the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, while working to usher in a global governance through oppressive legislation and 1984-style enforcement:

Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) Project

Project Manager: Robert Middleton

Project Overview: The Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate Human Factors/Behavioral Sciences Division (HFD) Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) project is an initiative to develop a prototype screening facility containing a suite of real-time, non-invasive sensor technologies to detect cues indicative of mal-intent (the intent or desire to cause harm) rapidly, reliably, and remotely. The system will measure both physiological and behavioral signals to make probabilistic assessments of mal-intent based on sensor outputs and advanced fusion algorithms and measure indicators using culturally neutral and non-invasive sensors. FAST uses an established independent peer-review process to ensure objectivity and thoroughness in addressing all aspects of the program.

You can view more US Department of Homeland Security projects on their Human Factors/Behavioral Sciences Projects page.

I don't expect you to take my word for it, but in the interest of at least your own freedom, I do expect you to turn off your TV and do some basic research. I thank God for giving me the ability to think for myself, for the courage to stand up against all forms of oppression, and question those in power who say one thing and do something completely different. Regardless of your political affiliation, you have to question EVERY politician who claims to have your best interests at heart.


The point of this entry is to show you just a hair fraction of what the TV doesn't. Ultimately, God works out everything for His purpose, and He has already conquered the world through Christ. I pray that you see that all of the "hell on Earth" we experience is rooted in our sinful nature. Humanity needs to stop giving in to sin, and trust in Christ as the only alternative.

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