Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Gap Theory, Carbon Dating, and Aunt Ida

We are all aware of the design v. evolution debate. Those two sides will always be at each other's throats. Interestingly enough (but not for long), there is also a group that believes in both as being compatible, and they rely on carbon dating and speculation without a firm ground in sound doctrine. They believe that billions of years took place right after "God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). During those billions of years, all forms of life were created, including the dinosaurs. That would make for a pretty long week. It is a highly speculative detour from God's Word, since He was just beginning to create space and time, as we can see in the next verses.

If you read past Genesis 1:1, it's obvious that God wasn't finished with His creation. The gap theory presumes that the second verse of Genesis describes God's wrath on Earth, making it "without form and void", and that the rest of chapter one outlines what God has already done. It's true that God can do anything, but God's Word is God's Word, and it says nothing about billions of years taking place during the first day of creation. In my entry evolution and intelligent design, I wrote that what drew me fully towards the design belief was the fact of man's original sin. Man's conscience isn't in any way a part of a "chemical evolution", and death is not simply "nature's law". In an article by this amazing ministry called Answers in Genesis, the author addresses the gap theory, and uses sound doctrine that reinforces my view based on man's sin.

"The Bible says specifically that ‘by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin’ (Romans 5:12), so that there was no death in the world until man brought sin into it. The ‘gap’ theory would require billions of years of suffering in the world before man or even Satan had sinned, and that means that God Himself would be directly responsible for sin in the world. God could not be the author of sin. So the ‘gap’ theory is precluded theologically."

So, if you hear a Christian teetering between design and evolution, this is one point you can share with them.

Another fallacy which the gap theory clings to, and what atheists have ignorantly given praise, is the method of carbon dating. Carbon dating, or radiometric dating, has been used in mainstream science to "prove" that the Earth is billions of years old. I am not a scientist, so I won't attempt to explain this scientifically on my own. In regard to Aunt Ida, our "monkey ancestor", you would basically need to know how much carbon was present in her corpse at the time she died, which is individually different for all creatures and impossible to determine from a fossil. Also, there needs to be a certain constant in regard to the carbon level in the atmosphere. 14C in the atmosphere needs to be equal in production rate to the removal rate of 12C from a corpse, which is referred to as an "equilibrium". Since there are various rates of decay between every dead organism, and 14C in the atmosphere isn't fixed, that dating process is inaccurate. The Answers in Genesis article I found on carbon dating goes into excellent detail. It includes that the inventor of the method, who was an evolutionist, knew the discrepancies in carbon dating but chose to write them off as experimental errors. Pride can really screw things up, can't it?

Considering how non-human the fossil 'Ida' looks, isn't it funny how atheist scientists refer to it as the "missing link"? If that's the case, then where's my tail? I got jipped.

In Conclusion...

The more that this world attempts to disprove God and separate itself from Him, the more proof we acquire of His existence and omnipotence. If you deny there is a God, I urge you to open your heart to Him. He came to us as Jesus Christ to be a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. By putting your trust in Him as your Redeemer from the punishment of sin, life is yours. And through repentance (a change of mind), you begin to align yourself with God's best for your life. Man's intellect is a powerful gift from God. Archeology and all of the other forms of science are great blessings. But, if your objective is to elevate man and eliminate God, you are headed down a foolish path.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Well written. That was very insightful and you gave me lots of good information! Check out a book by Phillip E. Johnson called, DARWIN ON TRIAL I think you would really like it.