Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Solution To Evil

Every 22.2 seconds - One violent crime occurs
Every 30.9 minutes - One murder occurs
Every 5.7 minutes - One forcible rape occurs
Every 1.2 minutes - One robbery occurs
Every 36.6 seconds - One aggravated assault occurs
Every 3.2 seconds - One property crime occurs
Every 14.4 seconds - One burglary occurs
Every 4.8 seconds - One larceny-theft occurs
Every 26.4 seconds - One motor vehicle theft occurs

2009 stats from FBI crime clock

This world is damaged. There is no debate about that. It is one thing we can all agree on, regardless of age, sex, race, beliefs, etc. In this entry, I don't want to address in detail the various psychological and physiological phenomenon that can motivate humans to commit crime. Let's consider the forest amongst the trees by asking a more general, yet deeper question: Why do we have the concepts of good and evil? 

It certainly isn't because our nomadic hunting and gathering ancestors have evolved with this knowledge, having left the womb of their monkey mothers as humans with staggering intelligence. The evidence just doesn't back up that claim. (It's important to note here that a strong belief in something that is not entirely proven by human means is faith, a word that many evolutionists and atheists disavow.) Ultimately, no one can prove the origins of good and evil without looking at the human heart and it's connection to God. Only then do we truly begin to answer the question as to why we have cognizance of good and evil. We should then assume the responsibilities that come with that knowledge.

The Bible tells us about the origins of evil, or sin. To those who don't know what the Bible says about evil, start by reading the Gospel of John. To those who know what the Bible says about evil but do not believe it, I challenge you to take an inventory of your own beliefs and analyze them. Do likewise with the beliefs presented in the Bible.

In the human experience, evil began with a decision to disobey Gods' command. We wanted to be like God by knowing good and evil, though we were told that it was forbidden. Instead of trusting in God, we let ourselves be deceived by words that were untrue and against His command. Ever since then we have been torn between good and evil, at times blurring the dividing line between the two in our minds. Sin starts with a thought, and so much suffering follows because of a simple decision to give in and act on it. Every action is preceded by a thought and a decision. To anyone who believes it's ok to have any thoughts or fantasies one desires, I would say you are on a slippery slope, and you need to consider the consequences that can follow.

It's a given that one of the most important and reliable assets you have is your mind. That said, we understand that the material things we enjoy in this life all have a limited value. Truly, the most important things in this life are unseen. Love isn't necessarily tangible, but we believe in it and acknowledge it as a positive force that's intrinsic to human life. To take that a step further, God is the embodiment of love. He is the infinite Creator who is perfect, who loves us so much that He did what no one else could do. He provided a solution to evil.

God came to us as Jesus Christ to be the solution to evil once and for all. He suffered death for our sins and rose to life to give us life, which is a gift, but we can only receive it through faith. Not just head knowledge, but a belief in your heart that sin is a problem you need to turn from, that Christ has forgiven you by paying your sin debt with His own life, and that He rose from death to provide you eternal life with God. 

Faith in Christs' forgiveness doesn't remove sin from the human experience, but it does save us from a spiritual death that is much worse. As long as we have breath there will be sin that we will have to deal with internally and externally. If we don't step back and see the forest amongst the trees, we will be lost and miss the only way out. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day: Commemorate Our Freedom From Monarchy

July 4th is US Independence Day. 235 years ago, the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, making the United States of America an officially sovereign nation; (On September 17, 1787 the US Constitution was signed. The Bill of Rights was introduced on September 25, 1789, and later ratified on December 15, 1791). The USA was born out of the belief that everyone should be independent and not have to serve a Monarchy. Our declaration of liberty set the foundation for the greatest nation in history. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness..."

Though the 13th amendment that abolished slavery wasn't ratified until December 6, 1865, we can still look back on July 4, 1776 as an exciting time in a new land, with new opportunities for those who wanted a better life.

In this second millennium, many of US citizens still cherish and exercise the freedoms and rights that were God-inspired and penned by our founders. However, there is an ignorance and rejection of what this country is founded on, and the result has led to an acceptance of tragic leadership and policy. You would think that in this modern information age the majority would know about the English royal ties to Nazism. Instead, millions of people have salivated over the recent wedding ceremony of Prince William and Princess Kate, which has cost British taxpayers billions.

Modern British Royalty: Eugenicists, Nazis, and Neo-Feudalists

William and Kate's tour of Canada enters a tricky phase: Quebec

On a positive note, I plan to celebrate July 4th with friends, food, and fireworks. I thank God that he put me here.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Four documentaries you have to see

I believe that the most important things we should think about and discuss are the things that we don't want to think about and discuss.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I believe in sin and righteousness (or wrong and right) as true forces that need to be understood as much as our human scope allows. With that understanding and knowledge, we acquire an amount of power, and in turn we are given a responsibility to do the right thing. We have to hold ourselves personally accountable and fulfill a certain role of stewardship. That truth applies to everyday situations, regardless of their level of importance.

This blog is one of my methods of stewardship. I come across information that I believe to be of high impact on society at large, and I share some of it on the internet and through word of mouth. If I decided to blog in-depth about everything I discover (through simple inquisitiveness), I would have to make this a career and take double shifts. Thankfully I have found some resources that make my task easier.

The documentaries below provide information that challenge the popular worldview-by-design in America and beyond. They deserve your attention. They will inspire questions.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bilderberg 2011- The Power Brokers Meet Again

As you may or may not know, the Bilderberg Group consists of very wealthy, powerful, and influential people of various persuasions from around the world, who meet once a year to discuss various issues, This years' meeting has just finished up at the Suvretta House Hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland. The meetings are invitation only and very covert, with a sharp focus on world domination through destruction of national sovereignty. It sounds more like a bad movie than reality, but the facts speak for themselves. Don't take my word for it. Open your mind and do some basic research.

It's easy to let tv celebrities decide what you should believe in. Brian Williams, Diane SawyerMatt LauerChris MatthewsRush Limbaugh and countless others will not read to you about the issues that have the most impact on the US and the world. It certainly doesn't make those issues invalid or insignificant.

We need to look outside of our modern left/right political paradigm, which has fooled so many people by design. It's sad to see American citizens on both sides throwing tomatoes at eachother, getting caught up in so much misguided hate. The fact is, many of the democrats and republicans in office today serve multi-national mega banks and corporations. They use the typical rhetoric on the campaign trail, manufacturing identities that sound attractive at face value. But when elected, they turn their positions of public servanthood into tools for an entirely different governance. Barack Obama is one of several US Presidents who has unfortunately made that mistake, having promised real hope and change, but later expanding Bushs' foreign policies and giving Wall Street free rule in his administration.

Be informed on the candidates for the US Presidency in 2012. Republican Texas governor Rick Perry, who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 2007, is likely going to run. There is more than meets the eye with most of our politicians, and we have to turn the tv off occassionaly to get the real meat and potatoes. We shouldn't have these static default settings of Rep or Dem and just let the current take us along. When our favorites don't make the cut in the primary, we head for the ballot box and ignorantly vote red or blue, saying, "Well, he's republican, so he's my guy," or "At least he's better than the other candidate". Let's not entertain that "lesser of two evils" mentality. But I digress...

History of Bilderberg (Modern History Project)

Dutch Prince Bernhard, Founder of Bilderberg, Was Member of Nazi Party

Wikipedia censors Bilderberg Nazi roots, and calls critics "conspiracy threorists"

Hilliary and Obama in Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run

Secretive Bilderberg Group to Meet in Sweden

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day: Commemorate fallen US soldiers... and a fallen republic

Today is a day set aside to honor the many brave men and women who fought and died for the United States of America. Some of us, like myself, have never served, but we realize the sacrifice made by those who wanted to protect the rights and freedoms of US citizens. Sadly, most of them have died in vain, fighting in wars and operations that were designed in the interest of power by dangerous oligarchies. Some of these groups have funded both sides of manufactured wars and other conflicts for well over one hundred years, gaining more resources and influence in the process. They have infiltrated governments with a big-bank strong-arm, turning many positions of power, including the US Presidency, into puppets of influence and distraction for the gullible public. They continue to disregard the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, while working to usher in a global governance through oppressive legislation and 1984-style enforcement:

Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) Project

Project Manager: Robert Middleton

Project Overview: The Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate Human Factors/Behavioral Sciences Division (HFD) Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) project is an initiative to develop a prototype screening facility containing a suite of real-time, non-invasive sensor technologies to detect cues indicative of mal-intent (the intent or desire to cause harm) rapidly, reliably, and remotely. The system will measure both physiological and behavioral signals to make probabilistic assessments of mal-intent based on sensor outputs and advanced fusion algorithms and measure indicators using culturally neutral and non-invasive sensors. FAST uses an established independent peer-review process to ensure objectivity and thoroughness in addressing all aspects of the program.

You can view more US Department of Homeland Security projects on their Human Factors/Behavioral Sciences Projects page.

I don't expect you to take my word for it, but in the interest of at least your own freedom, I do expect you to turn off your TV and do some basic research. I thank God for giving me the ability to think for myself, for the courage to stand up against all forms of oppression, and question those in power who say one thing and do something completely different. Regardless of your political affiliation, you have to question EVERY politician who claims to have your best interests at heart.


The point of this entry is to show you just a hair fraction of what the TV doesn't. Ultimately, God works out everything for His purpose, and He has already conquered the world through Christ. I pray that you see that all of the "hell on Earth" we experience is rooted in our sinful nature. Humanity needs to stop giving in to sin, and trust in Christ as the only alternative.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taking one's beliefs to their logical conclusion

There are so many different views of what is "good" and what is "evil". And, there are many views that disregard those concepts altogether. I want people to question the views of good and evil that they have, and take them to their logical conclusion. Through objective, critical thinking, we all need to consider the views we hold dear and diligently analyze their application in every single thought, word, and deed. We have to consider the paths those views take us, and all of the circumstances that can follow. This process involves a lot of questioning, which many people can't handle.

What do you believe in right now? Was it different a year ago? What inspired a change in your beliefs? Do they change often, or are they set in stone? Are the beliefs decided for you as time passes, and you just go with the flow?

Regarding good and evil as it is projected through the media, do you believe popular news programs on TV, and let them choose what is right and wrong for you? Do you accept what they tell you, or do you view their reports with critical eyes and ears? What are your sources of information? Most importantly, who OWNS your sources of information? Do you ask critical questions every single time you turn on the TV or read an article? How about when you are given an opportunity to support or reject another view, and edify or villianize individuals and groups?

There are thousands if not millions of people who rely on TV to tell them what is right and wrong. To me that is the worst way that anyone can live. It's the easiest form of slavery there is, for both the people who create the TV programs and those who watch them. Some people don't believe in God, and they are very critical of those who do. But, when it's time to watch the political news program with their favorite celebrities, it's like going to school for them. They will take almost any manufactured teleprompter feed as truth- hook, line, and sinker. Follow those beliefs to their logical conclusions, and you have the prime setting for an Orwellian nightmare.

TV is one very important example that I use, because it has and continues to have such an enormous impact on what many of us decide is good and evil. Interaction with media truly functions as a religion for some people, and so, those who engage their TV should think about the views that are being projected. Question their validity, understand the method and consequence of application, and the logical conclusions that follow. That goes with any system of belief, such as trust in a political party, system of governance, Buddhism, or Atheism.

For those who don't believe in Jesus Christ, I urge you to question the validity of His teachings. I urge you to discover how to apply the love that God the Son wants us to have for each other. I want you understand the possible consequences that a believer can face, both good and bad. Finally, contemplate the logical conclusion to the life of a believer in Christ. Of course, you need to read the Bible in order to do this effectively. Start with the book of John, as it communicates Gods' message in a unique way. As you keep learning and discovering, you will come to see that there is only a conclusion to this physical life. My prayer is that you come to know Christ personally, and discern between His goodness and the evil that works against Him.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.  1 John 4:1

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.  Philippians 1:9-10

But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.  Hebrews 5:14

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Only one kind of Christian

I haven't written anything for this blog in a long time. So many things have been happening lately, and I'm feeling the need to voice my opinions again using this neglected blog. So here it goes.

I have always been opinionated, and the older I get, the less patience and tolerance I have for sin. Yes, sin. I am a Christian, and I believe sin is real. "What kind of Christian are you?" you may be asking. Well, I'll be glad to answer that. There seems to be so many demoninations, or institutions that carry a Christian banner. I won't begin to list and describe the different names and affiliations which some self-proclaimed Christians indentify themselves with. What I will do is give a very nutshell description of what it means to be a Christian.

The word "Christian" is sort of a default term for many people, used in order to fit into some society or feel comfortable. Of course, that ends up giving Christianity a bad name, as those same people will say and do things that don't reflect Godly living. Those things are usually seen by others, and then naturally those "Christians" are mistakenly perceived at times as representatives of their Christian faith. Other times, they are just used as fuel for the fire against anything related to Christianity. Given there are so many relativist views today on what a Christian is, one way that I cut through that default mentality is to refer to myself as a believer in Jesus Christ. That puts me in a smaller category, since I am not using that all too familiar label of sorts, almost like "republican" or "democrat". There is nothing wrong with the word "Christian", but that word has been misused so much that sometimes it functions more as a label than a declaration of faith.

That's what Christianity is about, faith. It means trusting in God instead of ourselves, because we realize that we are not the final solution to the problem of evil in this world. It means realizing that we have all sinned, which means we violated Gods' standard, and that nothing we do is going to fix it. It means that we believe in what Jesus Christ, God the Son, has done for mankind. He suffered persecution, torture, and death on a wooden cross, in order to pay the debt for the sins of the world. "For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." -2 Corinthians 5:21. Jesus even became sin, in order to take all of the punishment for us. He later rose from that death he willingly accepted, purchasing a place in heaven for those who trust in what He has done. We need to transfer our trust in ourselves to Jesus Christ, seeking His forgiveness for the sin we cannot remove on our own.

Being a Christian is not easy, and it's not supposed to be easy. I see everyday as a battlefield, since we are always given the decision to think, say, and do something bad or good. I slip up in some way everyday, no matter how "small" it is. I am not perfect. But, even though I still sin, it doesn't mean I have lost the salvation I recieved by faith in Christ. That's what is referred to as "grace". Unmerited, undeserved, totally unearned favor. Though I slip up now and then, I know that I am forgiven, and I don't have to live in guilt and doubt about a gift that can never be taken away. That doesn't encourage me to keep doing wrong things, but it does remind me of how weak I am, of how much I need to work on personally, and of how gracious God is. God knows our hearts, and if you truly believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life, then you are saved.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9